Moore Quality Builders, LLC Lexington, SC 29072​Moore Quality Builders, South Carolina Contractor​
Licensed Residential Contractor & Home Inspector serving the Carolinas.
"Whether your job is large or small, give Moore Quality Builders a call!"
Give Us a Call
to set up your free estimate
(803) 673-2119
"Customizing Your Dreams"​
All About Moore Quality Builders
​Moore Quality Builders was founded in 2007 by Mr. Donald Moore and his wife Mrs. Margaret Moore ( better know as Donnie and Peggy). Donnie and Peggy are both orginally from the Mid-West, but now love calling the beautiful state of South Carolina their home. After years of working with other builders, it became apparent that Donnie was ready to transfer his beliefs and knowledge into his own company, thus founding, Moore Quality Builders.
For over a decade now, Donnie, Peggy and the MQB team have assisted hundreds of homeowners with their building, rennovation and repair needs. Being happy to help in any way possible and understanding how important a home can be to a family.
They have also been suporters of the local community serving on boards for the USO South Carolina, UCP Foundation, and sponsors for many local charitable events throughout the Midlands.
Our team loves construction, community and helping homeowners achieve their dreams! So drop us a line or shoot us an email so we can add you to our growing family here at Moore Quality Builders!